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To all of my Michael Jackson youth fan-friends and prospective parents,

I’ll be starting a Michael Jackson Fan Club in a virtual classroom setting this Fall, for two ages groups: 9-13 and 14-17. In this discussion based class, students who are Michael Jackson fans will meet to talk about their favorite songs, albums, music videos, and more! Students will also answer fun trivia on songs, costumes, and his humanitarianism.

Sessions will be available 2-3 times a month and held on the virtual classroom platform Outschool.  You can be in the USA and 120 other countries served by Outschool to participate. If you ever wanted the chance to have discussion about Michael Jackson music, videos, and performances with other fans your age and with ME as your instructor- I’d love to virtually meet you!

$20 OFF OFFER for new parents who sign their kids up using my referral link HERE.

Register for age group 9-13

Register for Age Group 14-17

A Note On My Expertise: I have been tutoring and teaching children throughout my entire life at a small scale. I received my Bachelor’s degree at Penn State University and then went on to get my MBA in International Business from St. John's University in New York City in 2011. Upon graduating, I began my career in the hair industry and working part time on my Michael Jackson fan related Youtube channel.

Why sign your child up for my discussion based club? I believe that children and teenagers build self confidence and learn to express their thoughts and opinions best when the subject interests them. I have been a fan since I was a child and developed a lot of my presentation skills, debate skills, and just being comfortable speaking in groups, talking about the music I love. I have seen Michael Jackson live in concert in 2001 and know lots of trivia and facts that I can’t wait to share. I love to connect with Michael Jackson fans and I am super excited to meet future learners!

 Got further questions? Email me at hello@mjfangirl.com or click here to learn more about Outschool, the virtual learning platform.